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St John's Primary School


Alongside the senior leadership team at St John's, governors are responsible for deciding on the strategic direction of the school. This includes contributing to decisions on:

  • vision and values
  • staffing
  • curriculum
  • finance
  • premises
  • behaviour and standards
  • equality and inclusion
  • health, safety and safeguarding
  • extended school
  • special educational needs
  • parental and community engagement

The Governing Body is drawn from the staff of the school, the local authority, parents and the local community.

Parent governors play a vital role on the Governing Body and their contribution is greatly valued. If you are interested in becoming a parent governor, please contact the Chair of Governors via the School Office.

Contacting the governors: Governors welcome the views of parents and are always happy to discuss any concerns or ideas you may have to improve the school. Parent governors are often available in the playground before or after school, or you can leave a message for them in the office.

Who We Are

St John's has 12 governors. There are six co-opted Governors, one appointed by the Local authority, four elected parent governors, one staff member and the Headteacher.

Headteacher: Mr M Stevanovic

Our Co-opted Governors are:

Dr Margaret Majumdar

Ms Helen Berry  (Chair, Finance and Personnel Committee)

Mr Tom Firth (Finance and Personnel Committee and Vice-Chair of Governors)

Fr Sam Sanya

Ms Keimia Alikhani

Ms Elizabeth Ann Webber

Our Parent Governors are:

Ms Jennie Hutton (Chair of Governors)

Ms Cheryl Carty

Ms Naila Rametula

Mr Francesco Federico

Our Staff Governor is:

Sophie Maclean

Our Local Authority Governor is:

(Vacant position)

Should you wish to contact the Governing Body, please do so by writing to the Clerk to the Governors, either care of the school or at sscott70.307@lgflmail.org / adminoffice@st-johns.ealing.sch.uk 

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