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St John's Primary School

Our School

St John’s Primary School is a two-form entry primary school with a nursery. We are the borough provision for children with speech and language difficulties. There are two speech and language ARPS (Additionally Resourced Provisions). The school has recently moved in to a CONRAN-designed new build, with the capacity for three-form entry, as part of the regeneration of the West Ealing area. We are committed to an inclusive education through which all children achieve.

St John’s is a good school with welcoming children, supportive parents and hard working staff and governors. We all work together to provide the best possible learning opportunities for all the children. We have high expectations of learning and behaviour and seek to develop happy confident children.

For photos of the school, please click HERE.

Ethos and Values
“Learning Without Limits and Achieving Together”. Read more about our ethos and values HERE.

Ofsted 2024

The Ofsted report highlights:

  • Pupils flourish in this nurturing and safe environment. They are happy, well cared for and instilled with a strong sense of respect.
  • Pupils take immense pride in their achievements. They are exceptionally well prepared for the next stage of their education.
  • The behaviour of pupils is exemplary. This begins in the early years, where children are highly motivated and engaged across all areas of learning. The curriculum is broad and highly ambitious, fostering deep knowledge and understanding among pupils.
  • The school provides a variety of enrichment opportunities which aim to develop pupils’ character and their awareness of the world around them.
  • There is a culture of aspiration based on the very highest expectations for all the pupils in this school.
  • Dedicated and caring staff at all levels collectively share a commitment to excellence
  • Leaders, including the governing body, have created an ambitious culture that puts pupils’ learning at the centre of everything the school does.
  • Staff, including those at the start of their careers, are rightly proud to work here and appreciate the extensive training offered. They are well supported to deliver the very best for pupils in the school.

Read the latest Ofsted report HERE.

Ofsted 2023
“There is enough evidence of improved performance to suggest that the school could be judged outstanding if we were to carry out a graded (section 5) inspection now." (Ofsted February 2023) Read the latest Ofsted report HERE.

Ofsted 2017
“At the end of key stage 2, in 2017, pupils’ progress in reading, writing and mathematics was well above the national averages. ” (Ofsted July 2017). Read the latest Ofsted report HERE.

Through curriculum enrichment, including music, drama and sports, we develop active and independent learners equipped for life-long learning. 

I am very proud of our academic achievements, facilities and creative, rich curriculum, but most importantly, I am incredibly proud of our children with their positive attitudes towards learning, the way they take responsibility for their own learning and strive to do even better. Visitors always comment on the happy, purposeful environment and the warm welcome they are given by our children and staff. I hope this website gives you a flavour of our exciting and vibrant school.

Ofsted 2014
“Teaching is consistently good. Teachers use information about pupils progress to plan work which challenges them well. Behaviour is good... Pupils care for and are very respectful of one another. Teaching in mathematics and English is good... Pupils are passionate about books and enthused about reading. The school is a happy and lively community.” (Ofsted July 2014)

Milan Stevanovic
